High School Course Guide
Allendale High School Graduation Requirements
Vocational Education Opportunities
Programs, Electives, Miscellaneous
NCAA Initial-Eligibility clearinghouse (general information)
Program Selection and Registration Procedures
Class Ranking
Students are ranked according to their weighted cumulative GPA based on all courses in which a final semester grade is received. The valedictorian and salutatorian of the senior class are the students who have the highest weighted class rank after the first semester of the senior year of high school.
Grading System
- Final semester grades are calculated by taking a weighted average of each of the following grades (percentage not letter):
Semester Grade 80%
Semester Exam 20% - All teachers are required to give a final exam in order to complete a course.
- All students must take the final exam in order to complete a course.
- Dual Enrollment classes and Advanced Placement classes will be graded on a 5.0 scale. (A=5.0, B=4.0, C=3.0, D=2.0, F=0.0).
Other courses will use a 4.0 system: A=4.0, A-=3.7, B+=3.3, B=3.0, B-=2.7, C+=2.3, C=2.0, C-=1.7, D+=1.3, D=1.0, D-=0.7, F=0.0.
College Prep Recommendations
Students planning on a course of study that will lead to attending a Liberal Arts college or university should be taking the recommended course load.
A four year Liberal Arts college preparatory program:
4 Credits of English; including composition
3 Credits of Science; including two laboratory sciences
3 Credits of Mathematics; including two years of algebra
3 Credits of Social Science
1 Credit of hands-on Computer Study
2 Credits of Foreign Language (in the same language)
1 Credit in Fine or Performing Arts
Grade point average and SAT score are major factors in the admissions process. The SAT is first taken in the spring of the junior year and college applications are done for the most part in the fall of the senior year.
Vocational Education Opportunities
Students leaning towards a vocational education should strongly consider attending the Careerline Tech Center during their junior and senior years. Brochures are available in the guidance office as to the preparation one should be making in the 9th and 10th grade years. Brochures listing the programs are also available. Allendale is limited in the number of slots available. In selecting who will attend, consideration is given to GPA, attendance, successful completion of graduation requirements, possible experience in a related field, related courses taken, and EDP/Career Pathway selection. Careerline Tech Center
Programs, Electives, Miscellaneous
Dual Enrollment
Requirements: Grades 9-12; Minimum Qualifying Test Scores; Counselor Approval; College Approval)
Effective April 1, 1996, Public Act 160 created the opportunity for students to take college classes with the financial help of the school districts. To be eligible to participate, a student must be in grades 9-12 and earn qualifying scores on the PLAN, PSAT, ACT or MME test (see counselor for qualifying scores). The college course cannot be a hobby, craft, recreation course or in the subject areas of physical education, theology, divinity, or religious education. A portion of the tuition cost will be covered by APS based on the state portion of the students’ foundation allowance, adjusted to the proportion of the school year they attend the post secondary institution (see counselor for the amount). ALL REMAINING TUITION/FEE/MATERIAL COSTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DUAL ENROLLED STUDENT’S PARENT(S) OR GUARDIAN.
Michigan Virtual High School
The Virtual High School is an online way for students to take elective and AP courses not offered at AHS. Online courses are a very independent means of learning. A student must be very self-disciplined, motivated and organized to be successful in these courses. There is an instructor for these courses but communication with them is through email or phone. A student should expect to put at least 7-10 hours of work per week in to these courses. Students will be located in a room in the high school to be able to work on the class during their assigned class time. Students will have access to these courses where ever they have internet access, so they should expect to work on them at home. The school will cover the cost of these courses as long as they are successfully completed by the student.
View a complete list of courses offered by MIVHS.
NCAA Eligibility (General Information)
If you want to compete in NCAA sports after high school graduation, you need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center at eligibilitycenter.org. You can begin this process in your 9th grade year. Pay close attention to credits required in high school to be declared eligible. See your high school counselor if you have questions.
Title IX Policy
The Board of Education has adopted a resolution to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which became effective on July 21, 1975. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 specifically states:
- No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance….with certain exceptions.
It is the policy of the Allendale Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of religion, race, national origin, sex, or handicap in educational programs, activities or services and to comply with all requirements and regulations of the U.S. Department of Education. All students shall have an equal opportunity to participate in, and benefit from, all academic and extracurricular activities.
Counseling Office
Students are encouraged to access the Counseling Office for assistance with personal, social, or academic issues. The Counseling Office also provides help with course options and post-secondary planning including preparation for the workforce, technical schools, 2-year, or 4-year colleges. Go to Counseling Office.
Program Selection and Registration Procedures
Course registration for the following year takes place in March. Students should use course descriptions, counselors, parents, teachers, and the career path they wish to pursue to assist in selecting appropriate courses. Selections should be based on student interest, motivation, academic ability, and teacher recommendation.
The students’ requests are used to build a master schedule. Therefore, it is vital that the students select classes carefully. The availability of staff and the number of requests for specific courses are crucial factors that determine which classes can be taught and when they meet in the schedule. Because this is a difficult and complicated process, students will not have the option to arbitrarily change their choices, hours, or select specific teachers once they receive their schedules in August.
The counseling department strongly encourages parents to take an active role in the selection process and to call school if they have questions about career paths, graduation requirements, or post-secondary options that are available.
View all AHS Course Descriptions