Community Budget Guide
This Community Budget Guide was developed to assist parents and taxpayers in understanding the financial operations of Allendale Public Schools. As you know, budgeting is a complex undertaking that requires consideration of many factors, including but not limited to, enrollment projections, resource allocation, capital and operational funding needs and compensation of personnel.
The Board encourages you to look over the guide, and welcomes your comments or suggestions regarding allocation of the District’s resources.
2023-2024 Community Budget Guide
Budget FAQs
Consult the Community Budget Guide for answers to these questions and more:
Revenue Sources
What are the different sources of revenue for Allendale Public Schools?
General Fund
How has the district’s general fund been affected by the economy?
What operating expenses make up the majority of the general fund budget?
How much fund equity does the district have to protect against revenue cuts?
Bond Funds
Why are bond funds not included in the operating revenue sources listed in topic, Revenue Sources?
What projects are part of the current bond issue approved by the voters in May of 2007?
What is the financial status of our current bond projects?