Before & After School Care
Good Time Friends
Welcome to Good Time Friends before and after school child care for students age young fives through fifth grade. Our program has been part of the Allendale community since 1988 and is licensed by the State of Michigan. We provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment for your child. At Good Time Friends, children receive supervised care while enjoying crafts, indoor and outdoor play, movies, board games and lots of “Good Time” fun!
About Our Program
When children arrive in the morning, they have a choice of craft projects, table games, and other activities. Breakfast is served around 7:40 a.m. and is 50 cents per food item. Choices include hot or cold cereal, fruit, yogurt, Nutrigrain bars and more. Students may also choose to participate in the school breakfast program after the GTF morning session at 8:20 AM.
Oakwood students will be bused to school at approximately 8:15 a.m. After school, Oakwood students must ride a bus to the program at Evergreen Elementary School. If a child rides a bus in the morning, he/she may ride that bus to the elementary. If the child does not ride a bus in the morning, he/she may get on any bus to the elementary school.
Our afternoon program offers a variety of activities including free play on playgrounds, crafts, homework area, basketball, mini pool table, tabletop games and more. Electronic devices are allowed on designated days only, with a signed permission slip. Please note: Good Time Friends is not responsible for any electronic devices brought to the program; families assume all risk when children bring their own devices to the program.
Weekly Schedule
State licensing requires a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio in our program. For this reason, we request that parents/guardians provide us with a child care schedule each week. This allows us to plan for our staffing needs.
All schedules must be received the Tuesday prior to the week when child care is needed. Anything after Tuesday you will not be guaranteed a spot.
Schedules can be submitted via hard copy or email ([email protected]). Fillable schedules are available on request. When unexpected child care needs arise, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your child, as long as openings are available. Drop-in care is not guaranteed.
Half Days
The Good Time Friends program follows the Allendale Public Schools calendar. When the school district has a half-day session, Good Time Friends will be open from the time school dismisses until 6 p.m. During those half days, a field trip may be scheduled. Sign-up forms will be posted in advance of the event, outlining the activities planned. Permission slips MUST be signed for your child to attend. The additional fees for the planned activity and transportation will be added to the family’s bill. An hourly rate applies for all half days.
School Cancelations & Delays
- IF SCHOOL IS CANCELED BEFORE 6 a.m., Good Time Friends will NOT be in session.
- IF SCHOOL IS CANCELED AFTER 6 a.m. or CANCELED FOLLOWING A DELAY Good Time Friends families need to pick up their child or make arrangements for someone else to pick up their child.
- NOTE: Allendale Public Schools does not transport children home if school is canceled.
- IF SCHOOL IS DELAYED, Good Time Friends will keep children at the elementary school until school begins. (Please see fees below)
The regular $9 fee will apply until 8:30 a.m.. After 8:30 a.m., there will be an hourly charge of $5.50.
Enrollment & Tuition
Children must be five (5) years old to enroll in Good Time Friends. To register your child for Good Time Friends, please complete the enrollment forms and submit the $60 per-child registration fee (family cap is $150). The nonrefundable registration fee is used to buy supplies for the program.
2024/2025 Program Fees
Before School (until school begins)
Drop off between 6 a.m.- 8:35 a.m. = $10.00 per child
After School (until 6 p.m. close), if you pick-up at...
3:30-4:30 p.m. | $5.80 per child
4:31-5:00 p.m. | $8.70 per child
5:01-5:30 p.m. | $11.60 per child
5:31-6:00 p.m. | $14.50 per child
Payment Policy
Payment is due the last day of service each week. Good Time Friends accepts cash, check, credit card or online in Procare at myprocare.com (2.5% fee applies with Procare). The Good Time Friends program is eligible to receive payments from Child Development and Care Program (DHS). If payment is not received by 6 p.m. Friday, a $10 late fee will be charged. If a bill is more than two weeks overdue, the child will not be allowed to participate in Good Time Friends until the bill is paid in full. If late payment becomes a pattern, the family may be required to pre-pay for service.
No Show/Cancellation Fee
To cancel child care for morning or afternoon, please contact us by phone (616-892-5579) or by email ([email protected]) at least 12 hours prior to the child’s scheduled time. Failure to notify will result in an additional $10.00 fee per child for each scheduled session that a child misses. Families will not be charged for children who are sick however, families are still required to notify the program of the child’s absence.Failiure to notify the program will result in a $10 fee per child absent.
Late Pick-up Fee
Good Time Friends closes at 6 p.m. Staff must be present until all children and parents have left. After 6 p.m. a late fee of $10 is charged for the first 15 minutes and an additional $10 for every additional 15 minutes following.
• Pick-up between 6 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. incurs a $10 late fee.
• Pick-up between 6:16 - 6:30 pm incurs a $20 late fee.
Late fees will be automatically added to weekly bills. Chronic lateness may result in the dismissal of your child from the program.
To Enroll in the Good Time Friends Program
Enrollment forms are available at the Allendale Early Childhood Center, Evergreen and Oakwood schools, as well as on this website. For more information, contact program coordinator Lisa Gross.
Wrap-around Preschool Program (ECC)
An extension of our regular preschool program, Preschool Wrap-around care is offered in the Preschool Wing of the Allendale Early Childhood Center (ECC).
Preschool Wrap-around staff is professionally trained and certified in first aid and CPR. The staff works jointly with all preschool classrooms, using the same curricula to best meet the individual needs of every APS preschooler.
Schedule Options and Fees
- Monday through Friday care availability
- Before Preschool 7 a.m. - start of preschool class
- After Preschool - 6 p.m. care
Student must be enrolled in an APS preschool classroom and fully potty trained.
For more information, please visit our preschool page!
Good Time Friends
For children age 5 through fifth grade
Good Time Friends located in Evergreen Elementary School
10690 Learning Lane, Allendale
During GTF hours: 616-892-5579
Non GTF hours: 616-892-3914
ECC Wrap-around located in Allendale Early Childhood Center
10455 Timberline, Allendale 616-892-5580
2024-2025 Good Time Friends Brochure
Campus Map to Good Time Friends Entrance (Door H)
2024-2025 Good Time Friends Enrollment Forms
Signature Page of GTF Handbook
PLEASE NOTE: Good Times Friends and Wrap-around will be closed along with school on the following dates for the 2024-20245School Year:
August 30 - September 2, 2024 ~ Labor Day Break
November 27-29, 2024 ~ Thanksgiving Break
December 23, 2024 - January 3, 2025 ~ Christmas Break
February 14-17, 2025 ~ Mid-Winter Break
April 4-April 11, 2025 ~Spring Break
May 26, 2025 ~ Memorial Day
Dates Good Time Friends and Wrap-around will be OPEN, but no school:
September 27, 2024
October 18, 2024
March 14, 2025
May 2. 2025
**GTF is open until 6:oo PM ALL 1/2 Days**